Thursday, 10 July 2008

I'll get back to you..........

"I'll get back to you........." Oh how I hate those words, because it usually means you'll be hanging on and waiting for a telephone call that may never come. That's what the week has been like for me.

Yesterday, I'd had enough. Cag's eating problem has not been improving, no matter how hard we try, and we DO try. It's now a case of just a couple of spoon fulls of mousse, or sips of coffee, will set her choking, then urging, and then of course, she won't take any more. Her total daily intake of calories must be under 200 and liquid consumption below a pint. This situation can not go on. I phoned the doctor's receptionist and demanded a visit.

I was hoping for something a little more positive but there has been, perhaps, a little progress. The 'practice matron' called to see Carole. (Where do they get these names?) Needless to say, the name was Chris and HE was a tiny bit gay.

He arrived 45 minutes late, just as I was about to get Cag back to bed. She had been up an hour and was failing fast. He was one of these ........ "How are you feeling"................. leaning forward............... " how are you REALLY feeling?" type of people. To which Cag answered "Fine!"

He checked out her swallowing and he said that he thought it was o.k. Then he generally questioned her about how she felt about food, wanting to eat or not. Checked her for depression, cup half full or half empty sort of questions, then asked her directly if she felt depressed. Of course she said "No".

He brought with him a selection of high calorie drinks and mousse style deserts for her to try. She said she would try, and I said I would encourage her....... but I'm not holding my breath.

He's made arrangements to call again next Thursday, along with a speech therapist ( she's into swallowing and breathing techniques ), who he thinks may be able to help. I'm not very impressed with the idea, but we shall see.

So now it depends on Cag, how much she wants to do. Wish I was more excited about the prospects, but I can only do what she will let me. More waiting, more worrying.

Never mind. My new gin and tonic diet is working great. I've lost four days this week.


Sunny Delight said...

How disheartening, frustrating, and extremely worrisome this is for you.

I wish...I wish...I wish it were better for you...the both of you.

And, what an idiotic question..."are you depressed?" Hell yes! Who wouldn't be?

Be careful with that diet dear man, sometimes they are addictive.

Sending you many SUHs

freebird said...

It makes you wonder whether they are 'bovvered' at all - a whole week to wait, it's not very encouraging.

Your last comment made me chuckle though!