Monday 14 April 2008

!2th, 14th and 13th........

I know, I know, I've had a 'senior moment' with the dates. But the days have been so similar that anyone could get confused. We are longing for every thing to be back to normal..... and then some!

I've done some gentle lifting over the weekend. I've got Cag up in the afternoons for an hour, for coffee and custard tarts.......Mmmmm! She no weight, her eating habits have seen to that, so I think by the end of this week we will be able to do without the carers. It can't come too soon for one of us.

We had some more visits from Mr. Woody. We've not seen his mate for a few days so she may be sitting. I've checked the bushes behind the home for Dunnock nests, but it looks like they may have given us a miss this year. Can't say I blame them. Who would want neighbours like us?

I must get some reading done now. I've been missing out on certain Blogs. Too much happening on E-bay! Never thought I would be interested in such a thing, and still really don't understand how it all works. I'll have to take lessons from my brother-in-law when I get the chance. He seems to know what's what.......... at least about E-bay!!!


Fiona said...

mmmmmmmm custard tarts, they sound delicious. I had a slice of apple pie with custard the other day, not really blog-worthy but good nonetheless - it has been ages since I blogged about food ;)

Glad to hear things are going well and that you're on the road to 'normality' :)


S'mee said...

Apple pie with custard not blog-worthy! Oh Fi..... I'm in tears :-)

Fiona said...

hahahahahahhaha what can I say, it was frozen Sara Lee pie and packaged Paul's custard!! I'd have preferred it to have been a freshly-baked bramley apple pie with good ole bird's custard (from the powder) but what to do, when needs must ;)

I'll see what I can do about having a good meal so I can blog about it. I'd tell you about the yummy Indian meal I had the other day but seeing as it was followed by 36 hours of unceasing, explosive runs, perhaps not *L*