Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Is it Tuesday already?

My mother was sitting on her bed crying. She had been bleeding and she was worried. The skin on the pressure areas of her bottom is very fragile and will break down for the slightest reason. Scratching with long nails doesn't help! I cleaned, then redressed the damaged area and all was well with the world again. The Community Nurse will check it out tomorrow, so she can deal with it.

Had some thought about my own health today and have made an appointment to see the doctor on Friday. A hernia problem has been playing up, and the recurrence of a gall-bladder problem has reared it's ugly head again. It will mean some tests I suspect, and some suggestions about lifting. Not the easiest thing to control when you are a carer. The real problem will be if there has to be some form of surgery. Lets hope it doesn't come to that. IT CAN'T COME TO THAT!

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