Friday, 28 September 2007

Late Wednesday, and Thursday.......

I closed a tad too early last night. I thought the day was almost over, but my mother had other ideas.

About 11.30pm, and I heard her moaning. I went into her room and she was trying to sit up and get out of bed. She was ill. She was a little sick, all caught in waste bin thanks to my quick thinking. I stayed with her for about another 20 minutes, and the she was sick again, very sick.

Years ago I would have joined in, but now it means very little to me. My years of working in a pub, cleaning up other peoples mess, and being a full time carer have put me above that sort of feeling. If it's not me that ill, I just get on with it, but if it is me............ that's different.

I'm pretty sure the reason was pastry. We all had a chicken and ham pie for dinner, and I've noticed it before, that my mother seems to have difficulty digesting pastry. So pies are out from now on.

Thursday has been just an ordinary day. I managed to grab a few minutes of 'me time' at the start of the day and spent it cloud watching. It was that sort of day.

Washing, shopping, ironing, cooking, and that summed up the rest of the day. Getting myself prepared now for a trip to the doctors tomorrow........... with a little interpretation.

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