Friday, 21 September 2007

A new thought....

I've just deleted all but one of the Posts I have placed on this Blog. It was really going nowhere. No direction and very little input. So what now?Perhaps the truth, or perhaps lies to confuse................ you or me!

I wrote in the first Post about this being a place for me, to unwind at the end of the day, but it was never that. I was writing for others, for what people would think of me, and in all truth, I don't really care.................. or is that the first lie?

We'll see how this goes. I can always start again. Nothing is written in stone.

1 comment:

Sunny Delight said...

I have asked myself the question, whom am I writing or the reader? both? I don't really know anymore. My finger still hovers over the delete button at times.

It is nice to know sometimes that my "crazies" are shared by others.

Stand-up hug to you my friend.