Sunday, 23 September 2007


It wouldn't take an Indian tracker to follow my mother around today. The 'little dribbles' were not difficult to follow. For somebody who has nothing else to think about all day, you'd think getting to the toilet (common name for bathroom) in time would be a breeze, but not so. Once is an accident, twice is habit! Her mobility is bad due to arthritic knees, but it doesn't take much thought to get the timing right........ or does it?

Took Cag out shopping this afternoon. Very little traffic for a Saturday afternoon on the main road into the County....... amazing! She bought two jumpers she didn't need. She has half a dozen new ones she hasn't worn as yet. I think she is collecting colours.

I actually bought a jacket for myself. £50 reduced to £32. Supposed to be 20% off, but the assistant made an error. Should I have told him? Should I f*ck!

1 comment:

Sunny Delight said...

Do whatever makes YOU feel good.

Maybe she is collecting colors...I take a jumper is what we call a blouse?