Monday, 24 September 2007


I hate Sundays, always have, always will! My usual 7.45am start and my usual 11pm finish. The end of the day was spent shampooing the carpet. Removing the 'track marks' my mother had left, from her chair to the door.

I spent an hour this afternoon cleaning and polishing in the bathroom, but couldn't help thinking it was a waste of time. I cleared a little dust, if nothing else, but I knew that the toilet mat would get a soaking before the day was out. Not from me, I add!

Cag pissed me off a little this morning. I was getting her back into bed after an early cup of coffee ( about 8.30am) and she starts 'the grumbles'. I was re-siting her catheter and she felt it pulling. I asked her why she was moaning, to which she replied, "I didn't know what you were doing". I told her that I was doing what I do every day of my life, trying to look after her and keep her dry.

I hate it when I'm asked to do something I'm just about to do. I bubble inside and most times I'm able to bite my tongue but sometimes I just have to let my feelings be known. A lot of the time it comes back on Cag, because she ought to know me better and has the ability to reason. My mother has lost that, most of the time.

1 comment:

Sunny Delight said...

It is a very grrr! feeling to be asked to do something we are about to do...twas a daily occurrence in my past do have the right to grumble too!