Saturday, 29 September 2007

Saturdays child is.............?

It was a bit of a rush, but I managed to get Cag out for a couple of hours this afternoon. It was only a trip to a garden centre, but it was a change of scene and a breath of fresh air for her. Had a bit of luck there. We were under charged for goods by £10, but it's wasn't until I checked the receipt at home that I picked it up. Felt very guilty for about two minutes.

Decided to drop a couple of hints onto friend Blogs, about this daily diary of mine. I know they can keep a secret.

The visit to the doctors is still going around in my head. Think I will give the local Carers Association a ring on Monday and get advice from them, just in case I should have to spend some time in hospital. Not much point in worrying but I like to be prepared.

My mother is unsure of the time she has spent with us. She honestly thought it was only about two months, where as it's almost ten. Time flies when you're enjoying yourself. ".....but what have I been doing all that time" she asked me. "Sleeping", I replied.

1 comment:

Sunny Delight said...

I am glad you have the carer's association...seems if I would have read most recent to back, I would have had the answer to my previous question.

Your sense of humour continues to give me smiles.