Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Monday and Tuesday, and good news.

A promising start to Monday soon turned into wind, rain, sleet and hail. We were lucky. Others had a lot more of the white stuff, while we just had the wet stuff. Afternoon brought one piece of good news. Wendy, from Adult Social Care phoned to say she had set up the care package for Cag, to cover me when I have my surgery.

Two carers to call at about 10.30am to wash and get Cag into the lounge for breakfast, calling back about noon to put her back to bed. Returning again about 6.00pm to get Cag up for an evening meal and then coming back at about 8.00pm to settle her for the night.

It's not ideal but we can live with it for a few weeks, and hopefully as time goes on, I will be able to do more. Not at first, and I will be careful.

Today was a completely different day. Clear blue skies, with the air so clear you could see for miles. I was bemoaning the fact that I didn't have time to head for the high ground and take in the views. The silver skywriters were so clear you could see the passengers waving (perhaps that's a slight over statement).

Mr. Postman brought some more good news (but no pencils). The Department of Works and Pension informed me that they will not be making any claim on my mother's estate. She is a fully paid up member. Not too little and not too much. I can now close the books and get the final paper work filed. Phew!!

Better news of mum-in-law today. The examination went smoothly and the nurse I talked to thought that everything that needed to be done was done. The doctor is going to see her tomorrow, so there should be more news by lunch time. When I phoned, they had just changed shifts, so were not up to speed on what was happening ............ or was it staff, playing their part by being vague and not giving too much away. Am I getting cynical in my old age?

Our hairdresser called today. We were treated to a 'who's doing what with who and where'. It's better than the jungle drums. She had heard about my op, and the fact that certain areas (H-mm) would have to be shaved. She offered to do the job, but we haggled over the cost. She wouldn't pay enough.


Sunny Delight said...

"she wouldn't pay enough!"
I chuckled....you sound much more upbeat, and as adorable as ever!

Fiona said...

hahahahaha I chuckled too Sunny, actually it was maybe more of a guffaw :)

Gotta love that man (oops he can hear me) and his amazing approach to life.

I wonder if he might feel inclined to take up photography again ;) during his convalescence.

Yo Ian - way to go dude. When you do get shaved, maybe you could opt for a little 'artwork'. A lightning flash or smiley face?

S'mee said...

Might have known that last comment would tickle your fancies! If I remember correctly Fi, you prefer 'au natural'

I am thinking of leaving a little message there.....Be Gentle with Me!