Monday 11 February 2008

Sunday, then Monday........

Sunday, and 'Oh what a beautiful morning........' I nearly felt a song coming on. A lucky escape you might think! But it was a beautiful sunrise, which made for a beautiful day. We were up early, as we had planned a trip to Brixham, and a visit to another of Cag's sisters.

She hates Sundays and was to be on her own, so we offered to keep her company for the afternoon. Chocolate roulade and some coffee cake, clotted cream, good conversation, a good afternoon that passed all too quickly.

We chased the sunset home, watching the pinks, salmons and blues, darken then fade as the daylight disappeared. It started as a finely painted picture, then a thin wash was added, which blended the colours and turned it into an impressionist's pallet. Nature at it's very best.

Today been spent taking it easy, catching up on yesterday. I did take a trip to the chemist this afternoon, to collect a prescription, but that was about all. I'm finding it takes more time to recover from these days out. Must be an age thing!

Cag has had trouble with 'what day it is' today. She doesn't seem to be able to use logic to work these thing out. I've noticed it happening a lot recently. Sometimes she has been days out, thinking it's Friday on a Tuesday. I wonder if this is a taste of what's to come?


Sunny Delight said...

You describe the sunset so beautifully I could almost see it...thank you. We have had nothing but bitter cold, and gray skies or snow for days now.

I did not realize MS effected the memory as well. I can't help but feel sadness for you both...sorry, perhaps I shouldn't but I do.

Humongous stand up hug my friend.

Seeker said...

Sorry to hear about Cag's memory problems. I think when you are at home every day, the days tend to drift into each other a bit anyway and there isn't too much to distinguish, say, a Tuesday from a Wednesday. It is understandable, with the added problems of her illness, that Cag finds it difficult.

I seem to be missing all the good sunsets recently, although I believe we have had a few good ones here.

Chocolate roulade? Clotted cream? You are making me so envious.......... (I hate dieting oh-so-very much! Lol!)

S'mee said...

Hi Sunny, 'fraid it hits all parts. Sometimes the impulses manage to re-route but if the scarring is severe, it can mean a loss of function. Memory, eyesight, swallowing, as well as movement etc. Cag manages to put the future out of her mind, but you know me, always planning ahead.

Hi Seeker, glad to see your back on line. Looks like we all have problems from what I've been reading. How about M&S coffee cake....... with clotted cream of course ;-)