Friday 1 February 2008


There was a commotion in the tree outside our kitchen window this morning. I was washing a few dishes and caught a flash of something big diving into it's tangled branches. It was a Sparrow Hawk. It had tried it's luck at a Dunnock, but it had made the safety of the tree, and the hawk was no match for it's agility in the confined space. There were other birds in the tree at the time, they seemed to know that they were safe from becoming a breakfast. A disgruntled hawk managed to untangle it's self and flew off, still hungry.

Heard about the profits of Shell today. £440 a second! Another headline on the news was about care to the elderly in Scotland having to follow the same reductions that have happened in England, all because of lack of funding. Can't help thinking that £440 a second would go a long way to restoring the balance................. but it's never that easy!

Thought I would take up Morris Dancing. I'm fine with bells, and waving hankies, but in the stick dance, I wouldn't be able to resist in aiming for the knuckles.

Shopping this afternoon, and everyone was there. Neighbours, at least four, friends, some I hadn't seen for years............... but I managed to avoid them all. It was cold and I was only too glad to get home. Things at home have been a lot better today. Next week will be interesting as Cag's sister, her main contact, is off to HK, Oz, NZ and Singapore for six weeks. I might go to Truro.


Sunny Delight said...

You do sound more upbeat...I am glad of that.

Morris Dancing eh? I will have to google it...sigh...I keep finding more and more things I don't know, but I do like the learning.

hugs and kisses.

S'mee said...

Morris Dancing..... you don't want to know, you REALLY don't want to know!