Monday, 14 January 2008

14th and a Monday....

A troubled nights sleep. Too much happening yesterday, but the day started with a smile. Payday! The weather, a little better than yesterday but worst to come tonight and tomorrow.

Got the morning chores out of the way and then spent some time on clearing the loose end of my mother's estate. A letter to the Equity company to release the percentage of the house sale, another to a Friendly Society for a small death benefit, and the best one of all, a letter the the Revenue, to claim back paid income tax.

Wendy, from Adult Social Care was due to come to see us at 2.30pm. She arrived at 3.40pm. This all bodes well for the future, and it messed up the afternoon. I think we may have got a care plan sorted out to take care of Cag while I'm recovering. There are some ifs, and a couple of buts, I would expect no less at this early stage. It depends on whether the care suppliers can come in line with the times, so there's still a way to go. We're flexible, well I used to be until my knee trouble!

Wonder what joy or misery tomorrow will bring?

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