Monday, 7 January 2008


Another week already! At least it's payday at the Post Office, and I was solvent........ until I got home. To be honest, we haven't spent a lot since before Christmas. The freezer is still quite full, most of the purchases were made with three in mind. The only thing I've been buying is bread, milk, fresh vegetables and general usables.

I understand it's the day, Jan 7th, when the most divorces are registered. About two million people consider divorce over Christmas and New Year. My first thoughts were "....only two million!" Christmas parties, a kiss under the mistletoe, arriving home late, drunk too much, falling asleep in the Christmas diner............ only two million! And the men are just as bad.

Wendy phoned this afternoon. She's from Adult Social Care and is coming to see me next Monday to see what help will be needed with Cag when I have my operation in March. I've known Wendy for years. She used to help out on Sundays at out little paper shop. If there is problem in getting help, she will sort it.

My sister-in-law has managed to get some extra help for my mother-in-law. A care worker will be calling every other day, to keep an eye on her, and when sister-in-law is away in Australia, she will call daily, or twice a day if needed. The problem is ............ mother-in-law! Who ever it is, she won't like. The time will be wrong, or some other reason for not letting them in. And don't expect a 'thank you', it's not in her vocabulary.

Now I remember where Cag gets it from!

1 comment:

Sunny Delight said...

Wishing you could take a holiday, I think you need one! Glad you found Wendy.

Interesting about the date, somehow I think there is a guilt factor at play there, don't wanta ruin the holidays. I remember the years I kept thinking about it, it seemed there was some special day in each month I didn't want to have bad connotations attached to...hmmm...maybe that is why I picked May...only special date that month is Mother's Day, and I 'm the mother.

SUH Darling Man.