Friday, 25 January 2008

Friday and the visit.......

A good sunrise, so we could look forward to a pleasant day, at least weather wise. I didn't delay and got on with the chores so I'd be ready when the 'outlaws' rode in. I'd asked them to phone about quarter of an hour before they arrived, time enough for me to get Cag dressed and into the lounge, so she was comfortable and settled. I needn't have worried. Even after the phone call they were 30 minutes late.

They had spent the day in the area, lunching on a local crab salad in a rather good restaurant at Charlestown, a privately owned port and heritage site a couple of miles from here. They then drove around the Roseland Peninsular, a beautiful area, and found a well know farm shop. They came loaded with gifts, a bottle of cab/sauv, which looked suspiciously like the one I had presented to them at Christmas, a calendar from the Farm Shop, and two cauliflowers!

They stayed for about two and a half hours, good company, but plenty long enough for Cag, who was tiring fast. We shan't see them again before they leave for a holiday in Hong Kong/ Australia/ N.Z and Singapore. We won't be able to visit them on their return, too close to my operation, so they have promised to come and see us. We look forward to it.......and the inevitable photographs.


Sunny Delight said...

I "read" this as a lovely time was had by all. Did you drink the wine?

freebird said...

Hmmm, maybe a good tip to remember for next Christmas, eh? ;-)

Happy weekend s'mee!


S'mee said...

Am drinking it now Sunny.

Always liked the idea of passing a present around the family. Appeals to my sense of humour. Too late now, the cork's out!