Sunday 4 November 2007

Friday 'n Saturday.....

I missed out last night (hope nobody else did!). I had an email through GenesReunited asking me about the family of a gt. gt. grandmother, and by the time I'd got all the information together, it was nearly 1 am. So blogging took a back seat for a change.

I did take a trip into town yesterday afternoon, to pick up a couple of items for my mother and to get a birthday present for Cag. She easy to buy for, as long as it's Chanel's CoCo. Our only stockist in town is Boots and they were offering 10 points in the £, so I bought her a Christmas present at the same time. I saved a fortune. Always an eye for a bargain!

I also bought a present for myself, a cholesterol testing kit. Looks like fun........ and hoping I'm less than 5.6, the last time I was tested.


The start of another weekend. Freebird reminded me that nobody bloggs at weekends....... except us chickens! I had to go Market shopping this afternoon, so I took Cag with me to give her a change of scene (and to show her handbag daylight!). I wanted a border fork for the new growing beds I'm building, also a spring rake to clear the Autumn leaves and the moss that's made it's home in the grass.

I was also tempted into buying from my favourite kitchen stall, a potato masher, a 6 inch Santoku knife, and a diamond sharpening steel (I hate dull knives). And the knife works! I managed to 'blood' it while slicing onions, when preparing our evening meal tonight. My piano playing days are over!

I made the mistake of parking near one of the chuck wagons. The smell of onions was too much for Cag to bare. We shared a bacon butty, heavy on the onions, before making our way home.

Think I may have to make another Market visit tomorrow. A few other tools I could use........ but we shall see.

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