Monday, 24 December 2007


Spent a lot of the day puzzling over money. Different calculations and different ways of doing things. I don't want the final figure to upset our situation but it looks like nothing will change. Even thought of giving it all away. It would solve a problem, but I got negative feedback on that idea from Cag. Think she wants another ring.

Some of the afternoon was spent filling out and cross referencing our 2008 diaries and calenders. It really brings home to you how quickly the years go by. I make a note of some of the appliances we buy as well, so we can celebrate the washing machines birthday etc. I still keep a note of birthdays and anniversaries of those who are no longer with us. Again it brings home how time flies.

Time to let my thoughts turn to tomorrow and to wish everybody all they would wish themselves. Have a really great day and......................

May your stuffing be tasty,
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your sprouts be delicious
Your pud take the prize,
And may your Christmas dinner
Stay off your thighs!
Happy Christmas Everyone!


Seeker said...

A happy and relaxing Christmas to you as well.

Sunny Delight said...

If you ever decide to start a 3rd career as an organizer...I'd hire you in a New York Minute!

Happy Christmas
Hugs and Kisses

S'mee said...

Thanks Seeker.

I'm open to offers Sunny.

Take care both and have a lovely Christmas.