Sunday, 30 December 2007


Another Sunday, not my favourite day of the week. I still can't get used to the idea of having less to do. How did I manage before in 2006? I always seemed to have a full day then. Think I will have to take Fb's advice and use the extra time to make plans.

Our usual trip out to the Market this afternoon. Peanuts for the birds, and a bacon butty for us............ heavy on the onions! Coffee when we arrived home, and then I spent some time sifting and shredding, finding more old paperwork that's not needed anymore..... I hope!

Been catching up on emails tonight, friends and relations in Oz. Remembered this year that they are ahead of us time wise. Usually I'm a day late in sending New Years greeting.

Just in case I don't get around to everybody tomorrow. Love and best wishes to you all, have a great New Years Eve, health and happiness for 2008. Let's hope it's a year for common sense.


Seeker said...

Just dropping in to wish you & yours a very happy and healthy new year!

Be good!

S'mee said...

Seeker. Could I be anything else? Thanks for you wishes and they are returned ten fold.