Sunday, 2 December 2007

Sunday...... wet and windy.

Wet........... it's tipping down........ and windy, sudden gusts seem to almost lift the building. Hopefully it will blow it's self out over night.

Spent the day gradually getting things in place ready for Tuesday. All the thing I will need for the day, for Cag and myself. Papers I want to go over with my brother-in-law. Gifts for others I may not be able to catch up with later. I think everything is in place.

The shredder had another outing this afternoon. Another three bags of a shredded life. Mostly old utility bills and other papers that could be used as proof of identity. I've still kept back more than I need, but like I said yesterday, I would rather do that than discard what I might need later.

The vicar phoned tonight and I went over the final ideas and plans for the funeral. I read him out the notes I had made about my mother's life, notes to base his own address on, and other than a couple of questions he said he will use, almost as written. He like the bit where I mentioned my mother enjoyed the afternoon quiz programmes on television, especially Countdown, and that she often watched them with the vicar.......... asleep in the chair. He has a habit of dropping off.

Let's hope he manages to stay awake on Tuesday.


Fiona said...

I hope the weather breaks for you and that the vicar stays awake :)

I hope everyone sees this as a celebration of your mum's life and that there is at least some laughter and lightness in it all.

I'll be thinking of you and hoping you get lots of SUHs on the day! And NOT all from the vicar ;)

S'mee said...

Hi Fi, I don't think he is very well. He was very ill a couple of years ago and has never really recovered. As long as he can last out tomorrow......!

Fiona said...

Oh dear lord the black humour of it all if...well yanno ;)

SUH x lots