Sunday, 21 October 2007


Can't believe it. We watched Dirty Dancing AGAIN. Video on Thursday last, and Channel 5 tonight. "Nobody puts Baby in the corner!"

Finished the cleaning up today, ready for the visit from Cag's sister. There's been a change of plans, as the railway line between Par and Truro is closed for repairs, so they are coming by car. I'll still have to collect her from town, as she wants to have a look around before she comes to us. I've told her it should only take about three minutes, as the town is a building site.

It me that's had problems today. A trapped nerve in my back has made me stop and think before I've made any movement. I haven't had a lot of trouble lifting, it's when I turn the pain kicks in, and does it kick in! It's a problem I've had before. It's a case of tablet and rest. Rest? Yeh, right!


Seeker said...

Oh ouch! Sorry to hear about your back and hope you feel much better very soon. I knew all that cleaning wasn't a good idea :-)

S'mee said...

Seeker, it's all your fault! But seriously, I've had sciatic nerve problems for years. Sign of a misspent youth.......I hope. Just one of those things.

Thanks for your concern.

freebird said...

Nooooo, it wasn't the cleaning, it was the Argentinian tango!

S'mee said...

Freebird. If only the girls then, wore the costumes they do now, I would have spent my life dancing.

Will try and find a pic of me in tails, and publish it on 'Lighthouse' all those years ago.