Wednesday, 24 October 2007


I decided it was going to be a 'me' day. I did the bare minimum all day. The nurse came early to see my mother, so I managed to get all my chores finished by 1 o'c .......... the rest of the afternoon was mine.

Spent quite a lot of the time, sitting outside, looking up, just watching the big silver birds chasing each other across the blue of the sky. No vapour trails today.......... I wonder why?

My easy day did nothing for my back problem. If anything, it felt worse for doing nothing. Can that be so?

A package from Amazon. Band of Brothers on DVD, Dirty Dancing's 20th anniversary DVD and a book on Vegetable Growing........ I really know how to boogy!

Published some photos on Lighthouse tonight. Me in tails, my dancing days. I always said I would go back to it one day. Not the seven nights a week I did then, but just for the exercise and the dreams. Perhaps one day.


Fiona said...

Your research assistant reporting in:

Contrails or vapor trails are condensation trails and artificial cirrus clouds made by the exhaust of aircraft engines or wingtip vortices which precipitate a stream of tiny ice crystals in moist, frigid upper air. Being composed of water, the visible white streams are not, in and of themselves, air pollution. However, contrails generated by engine exhaust are inevitably linked with typical fuel combustion pollutants.

Yessir, you can boogie, but you need a certain song ;)

Seeker said...

I don't believe that's really you! You substituted a photo of a good-looking film-star to impresss all those female visitors you get here! Lol!

Seriously though, they are nice photos. I bet you really missed the dancing when you stopped doing it. It must be great to be good at something like that.

S'mee said...

Fi, what would I do without you? And I thought it was smoke;-)

Seeker, really is me. I had to stop dancing to concentrate on school work. What a waste of time that was! Should have kept on dancing.